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The Avanti Grange Attendance Policy can be found by clicking here.


Regular attendance is the foundation of a successful educational journey at Avanti Grange. Consistent attendance supports academic achievement and develops students' social and emotional growth. We’re committed to partnering with parents and carers to ensure that every student benefits fully from their educational experience by attending school regularly and punctually.

We are proud to announce that our school has been awarded the FFT National School Attendance Award for 2023/24, marking the second consecutive year we have received this prestigious recognition. This award celebrates schools whose attendance rates rank in the top 10% of FFT secondary schools nationally. This achievement reflects the commitment of our students, families, and staff in prioritising excellent attendance, ensuring every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

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Benefits of Regular Attendance


  • Academic success: Attending school daily enables students to engage in classroom discussions, interact with the curriculum, and grasp essential concepts. Regular attendance is crucial for building a solid foundation of knowledge and helps students reach their full academic potential.


  • Fostering responsibility: Punctuality and consistent attendance teach valuable life skills, including discipline, responsibility, and time management. By encouraging students to be present and on time, we help them develop habits that will benefit them throughout life.


  • Social and peer connections: School is a vibrant community where students build friendships, collaborate, and develop social skills. Regular attendance enables students to strengthen relationships with their peers and teachers, fostering a sense of belonging and community support.


  • Continuous learning: Consistent attendance keeps students connected to their studies, minimizing disruptions and maintaining a steady pace of progress. Regular attendance is essential to keep up with lessons and experiences that form a cohesive educational journey.


We understand that parents and carers play a vital role in promoting attendance. Open communication between school and home is essential for addressing any attendance challenges. We value your collaboration and are here to provide any assistance needed to support your child's attendance.


For further information or to discuss attendance related matters, please contact our attendance team through the school office.

an education that's


Reimagining the purpose of education




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